Stop Motion; Tree Clock Tower

Final Model - Fabricated by Naomi Wiener

Process of Making


initial cardboard mock-up


scaled-down mock-up


gear mock-up


An attempt of tree build-up/gear rigging inside of the tree

At this point, an amazing fabricator Naomi Wiener took over and restarted the tree completely...

<Tree model built with cardboard, pink foam, wire, plywood>

<paper mache, celluclay, paint>

<making branches with wire, celluclay, and baby's breath>

<Designed by Mason LaHue, laser-cut gear pieces>

<painted by Naomi Wiener>

<rigged by Naomi Wiener>

Set Final

Set Fabrication Process
started with building a shoot table...

<All gears designed by Mason LaHue, Laser cutting>

Tree Rigging Process
<tree rigging developed by Professor Nathan Asquith>


Human file